At AheadMG we take a pragmatic approach to automation. Our experience shows that it can dramatically improve your test offering, reduce costs, improve coverage and reduce time to market, nevertheless it rarely achieves ‘savior status’ despite what you may read in the press. Pick the wrong tool, framework or ignore key factors within the wider development space and you will end up with an expensive white elephant.

At AheadMG we would like to help ensure your automation strategy achieves the hype and delivers benefits that can’t be achieved through manual testing. We can guide you through the selection and implementation of an automation tool whether your objectives are reducing repetitive regression activities or wholesale automation within the development lifecycle.

Tailored Scripting

Let our experienced consultants assist with converting your existing pack into automated tests. Working closely with you to understand the system under test our consultants are trained to quickly develop automated tests in a range of different frameworks/tools. This service is especially valuable for organisations new to automation and need a quick return on investment or where a back log of manual scripts require conversion.

Any questions?  Feel free to get in touch using the contact form below